Friday, July 6, 2012

Disposable diaper reviews

We are now cloth diapering happily, basically the entire day the baby is in cloth diapers except when it has been raining and we can't get the laundry to dry in time. At night we are on disposables because no matter how many soakers I put in the cloth ones they will have leaked by morning, and I don't want to have to wake him up to change his diaper in the middle of the night. Our experience with disposables is also quite vast because we were on disposables for the first couple of months.

Upon extensive consultation with mom friends we settled on a fantastic system that was recommended to us by at least 3 people independently: cheap diapers for the day when moving and Mamy Poko at night. Now deciding to use Mamy Poko is sort of a big deal because it is literally twice the price of the cheap ones, not for use with every diaper change (something like 14 pesos per piece). Still, it is the only brand that will hold a baby's overnight pee, when I take that thing off in the morning I swear it weighs 10 lbs! And no leaks!

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These reviews have a caveat, my baby is a big pooper, in so many ways. So his diaper requirements may be more stringent than the average kid's. His poops are very runny and exit his body in an explosive way, so he was leaking a lot, and the search for the perfect disposable diaper to contain all this poop was a matter of some importance. We were wiping off leaks from carseats, our bed, his crib,  our hands, the couch. He would leak out almost every time he pooped which meant a whole outfit change every time he pooped! It was exhausting. Anyway, so we also needed cheap diapers, because he was going through a dozen of those in a day.

Here are capsule reviews of the rest of the diapers we have tried:

1. Huggies newborns. These were my fave in the beginning, they are a good size for a tiny baby and the paper-like cover I think gives his nether-regions a lot of breathing room. They're pretty cheap too but kind of hard to find.
2. Huggies smalls and mediums. These were mid-priced but weird, some bags I bought seemed defective. Some bags have diapers that have tabs on the side to extend the rear onto the front resulting in a snug fit, but some bags have diapers without the tabs. WIithout those tabs leakage is a real possibility, so avoid. These are in the red packaging, not the blue packaging (discussed in #5).

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3. EQ. Got these from the hospital, while cheap, very prone to leaks and not a snug fit around the legs. I like how the whole thing feels like cotton or paper, no plastic, and the tabs are velcro as opposed to scotch tape. The colors were kind of obnoxious, all cartoony.
4. ProKids. Leaky!
5. Huggies "dry" Ugh I HATED these things. We were in the province and in a pinch for disposables, these were the only ones in the store. They are in the blue packaging, very cheap and feels very plastic-y. They are super thin, but what I really objected to was the plastic. I felt like I was cling-wrapping my baby and that his potoytoy can't breathe. The sticky tabs literally feel like scotch tape. Ack, stay away.

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6. Pampers "sulit" something. These are the inexpensive pampers in the orange packaging. Only half a notch better than the huggies 'dry', which means they also feel very cheap. All plastic, not as bad as the huggies, but not something I would buy again given a choice.
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7. Mamy Poko "value". There's a scaled-down version of Mamy Poko, these were strange. I laughed out loud when I opened it because the diapers were so thin, like 2 sheets of paper. THey are supposed to be super-absorbent. They're fine for day, does NOT feel as cheap as #5&6 above, but definitely will need a change every time baby pees. It's very "presko" though because it's paper-y and thin. Would buy again but my husband didn't like them.

8. Last and best in my opinion, Drypers. These were the winner, one of the cheapest ones on the market (7 pesos per piece thereabouts of the small) but does not feel like you're wrapping your kid in plastic. It's paper-y and thick enough to hold runny poo and a lot of pee. The tabs are like scotch tape yes, but the rest of the diaper is paper. Not thick enough for overnights, but definitely the best for daytime use given how cheap they are.

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