As baby J started to develop fine motor skills he learned how to use his hands. He is also a little bit of a fidgeter. When nursing he plays with my shirt, runs his fist up up and down my chest, or claws at my arm. You can see where I'm going with this.
Now that he is much bigger and starting to walk, he is a little tougher to keep still when nursing. He has started playing with the other boob while breastfeeding. He'll put his hand over the other boob and squeeze repeatedly like he has a squeaking rubber ducky. Once he is done drinking, he will pull off, stare at the bare boob and then start pinching it. Very embarrassing in public! It doesn't help that he has started refusing to stay under a nursing cover. I have tried and tried and tried stopping him from doing this, nothing has worked so far.
Oy. I never thought I'd hesitate to nurse in public, yet here I am, unable to feed him in the middle of the mall because he will be playing with the boobs.